Meet My God

Enjoy Worship

June 27, 2024 Season 4 Episode 239

What's up, everyone? I'm Ruthenna Porterfield, God's favorite, and I want you to get to know him. This is the meet my God podcast. 

Today we meet God in Exodus, chapter twelve, verses 14 through 20. Yes, God requires worship, but he wants you to enjoy it. Today's passage shows that celebration is a part of our relationship with God. It's not just about liturgical rituals. It's about eating and getting together with people you love and taking a break from work. Except the cook, of course. Read the passage. It's in there. All of this food and fun and fellowship and festivity to remind you of the goodness of God.

Thank you for listening, but don't forget to read the scriptures for yourself. And if meet my God is part of your daily devotion, please consider supporting the podcast with a small monthly gift by clicking the support the show link in the show notes. Until next time, peace, stay cool, and God bless.