Meet My God

A Hopeless Cycle

June 04, 2024 Season 4 Episode 222

Exodus 9:8-12 When God is delaying the promise, how do you not lose hope?

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Music used by permission:
The Plan from 2 For The Price of 1 by Holly Harris & Latresia Peak

What's up everyone? I'm Ruthenna Porterfield, God's favorite, and I want you to get to know him. This is the Meet my God podcast. 

Today we meet God in Exodus, chapter nine, verses eight through twelve. I have been working towards a vision God promised me for years, but it feels like I've been going through the same cycle over and over again. God tells me to do something that makes no sense. I do it and I see some results. But the promise is still not fulfilled. And the hardest part, heart, is knowing that God is the reason why. By the time we reach today's passage, Moses, Aaron and the children of Israel have been through this cycle five times. This is their 6th plague and they're still not free because God has hardened Pharaoh's heart. Were they beginning to lose hope? Because I know at times for me, I sure do.

Thank you for listening, but don't forget to read the scriptures for yourself. And if meet my God is part of your daily devotion, please consider supporting the podcast with a small monthly gift by clicking the support the show link in the show notes. Until next time, peace, stay cool, and God bless.